Saturday, January 2, 2010


Author :- Jaymala


This paper’s focus is on employee country and health. A growing anxiety is made up of people. People are the most alive part of enterprise in producing goods and the people do services, Selling of the product and making profit.

Hence no playing enterprise can exist without People .An organization’s quality of impact and its effectiveness depends upon the employees who represent its workforce.

Of every the factors of production, human bourgeois is by far the most important one; the success of a playing depends on the human element.

The Factories Act (1948) lays important on the working condition in regards to various matters relating to the health, country and goodness of the workers. These provisions impose upon the Employers certain obligations. That is.

* To protect workers, unwary as well as negligent from accidents.
* To bonded for them employment condition conductive to their health, country and welfare.

These provisions also acquires the managers to maintain inspection staff and make provision for fix of health, cleanliness, prevention of overcrowding and amenities like lighting, ventilation, crapulence liquid etc.

The act requires the appointment of the goodness officer and country officers in every organisation employing more than 300 workers in a factory. The Workman’s Compensation Act (1923) entitles workers to compensate some injury arising out cod to his employment and certain industrialized decreases, so the employers circularize out the provision of the act for the well existence of the workers.

Thousands of employees die everyday in factories cod to accidents. Accidents are partial or total, temporary or permanent. Safety, in simple term, means immunity from the event or risk of injury or loss.

Industrial country or Employee Safety refers to the endorsement of workers from the dangers of industrialized accidents. An accident, then, is an unplanned and uncontrolled event in which an action or reaction of an object, a substance, a person, or a radiation results in personal injury.

Accidents are of assorted types. They may be categorised as major and minor ones, depending upon the severity of the injury.



An accident free plant can save on cost, increase productivity, discharge moral commitment towards workers and comply with legal provisions. There are legal reasons too for undertaking country measures.

There are laws covering occupational upbeat and safety, and penalties for non-compliance hit become quite severe. The domain extends to the country and upbeat of surrounding community, too.


The well existence of the employee in an industrialized organisation is affected by accidents and by stricken health-physical as well as mental. Health is wealth for employees, realizing these employers provide a large number of upbeat service to their employees.

Health endorsement is a legal requirement too. Sections 11 to 20 of the Factories Act, 1948 deal with the upbeat of workers. Employee upbeat has several dimensions such as fleshly health, noetic health, noise control, job stress, alcoholism, AIDS, drug abuse and violence at impact place.


A typical methodicalness renders the following upbeat services to its employee’s .It may be stated that these services, at best, offer first-aid treatment to the victims. For some major ailment, employees are advised to go to ESI or authorized clinics/nursing homes.

* Pre-hiring medical check up for every employees.
* Periodical physical, check up of every employees
* First-aid treatment following an accident. Training in first-aid to every employees.
* Treatment of minor complaints, such as cold, cough, fever and headaches.
* Rehabilitation and job placement of seriously injured workers who hit been cured but suffer from whatever disability.
* Control of occupational upbeat hazards.
* Special examination of eyes, set and ears, when needed.
* Adequate ventilation, good lighting and good residential quarters.

The Provision of the Factories Act, 1948. The Provision of the Factories Act, 1948 relating to safety, Section 21 to 41 of the Act deals with safety.

The Provisions are:
¨ Section 21 provides that chanceful part of every machinery staleness be securely fenced.

¨ Section 22 stipulates that a trained adult male worker staleness investigate the machinery in motion.

¨ Section 23 states that that young persons should not be allowed to impact on chanceful machines.

¨ Section 24 says that every factory staleness provide suitable striking gear. There should also be a locking device to preclude accidental starting of transmission machinery.

¨ Section 26 requires that casting should be done in such a way as to preclude danger.

¨ Section 27 stipulates that women and children should be prohibited from going near material openers.

¨ Section 34 says that no mortal shall be employed in some factory to lift or circularize excess weight so as to cause fleshly injury.

¨ Section 36 prohibits entry of some worker into some chamber, tank, pit or pipe where some gas or fume is present.

¨ Section 41 stipulates that where a factory employs 1000 or more workers, there staleness be qualified country officer(s) appointed to ensure compliance of every the country provisions.

The Health amenities provided under the Factories Act, 1948 are:
¨ Washing Facilities (Section 42)

¨ Facilities for storing and dry covering (Section 43)

¨ Sitting facilities for occasional rest for workers who are obliged to impact stagnant (section 44)

¨ Canteens if employing more than 250 workers (Section 46)

¨ Shelters, rest rooms and lunchrooms, if employing over 150 workers (Section 47)

¨ Appointment of a Welfare officer, if employing 500 or more workers.(Section 49)

Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923

The Workmen’s Compensation Act provides that compensation shall be provided to a workman for some injury suffered during the course of his employment or to his dependents in the housing of his death. The Act provides for the rate at which compensation shall be paid to an employee.

* Labour turnover and absenteeism are low to the minimum.
* Felling of oneness with the organisation.
* Minimizing industrialized disputes and peace.
* Creating imperishable and settled labour force.
* Improvement in the efficiency of workers.
* Reducing damages to equipment, machinery and workers.
* Medical inspection is provided to the employees.
* Worker’s efficiency is considerably enhanced when they feel country in impact environment.
* Workers begin to feel interested in their impact when they find that they are existence well looked after by their employers. Thus, their morale is raised and industrialized relations improve.
* Labour turnover and absenteeism rates decline when the workers find the work-place congenial and the employer is likable towards them.
* On humanitarian deposit too, employee country and upbeat is commendable, because it shows faith in the basic human values of life.
* From the social standpoint, employee’s upbeat measures ensure better and more enlightened citizens.
* Employee module be able to concentrate on his work.


“Every year three-quarters of a million people take time off impact because of what they affectionateness as impact –related illness. About 30 million impact days are lost as a result.”

The study reveals that event of accidents are mainly cod to machine failure. the country and upbeat of employees module be increased substantially.

To make upbeat and country policy effective methodicalness needs to get its employees participating and committed in implementing country and upbeat policies. This module create a “positive upbeat and country culture” .

The quaternary C’s of positive culture existence –competence, control, co-operation and communication.

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